Epilogue comes from the Greek word epilogus meaning the conclusion of a speech. Jenn is going to hate this, but I am Greek and I will be telling our boys all the time what words have Greek origins (just like Gus Portokalos in My Big Fat Greek Wedding). It will drive the twins crazy too, but such is life with a Greek Dad. Opa!
But, I digress. We are T-minus 10 weeks until the twins show up and turn our world beautifully upside down. They are already driving Jenn crazy by not moving a lot during the day and then putting on their dancing shoes in the womb at about 3am every night. Like clockwork. Elaborate drawn out dance numbers. It's Sammy Davis and Frank Sinatra doing a little Me and My Shadow every night while Jenn tries to sleep. I already have nicknames for them too: G funk and the S train. Jenn doesn't love those.
Jenn has been all over the nursery set-up, from the wall colors to the cribs, to the dresser and the rocker. I have just been the lifter and the holder. She tells me what to lift or hold up for her and I do that.
So that's the story. The doctor got Jenn pregnant and now here we are. I mean, well, you know what I mean. Here is a good place though. But you're never here for long. The here keeps changing. And as you all know we've been on quite a journey.
Wherever you are on the journey though, just remember to love yourself, love your partner, and breathe. Breathe a lot. Conscious breathing. And pizza. And laughter. And tears. And more pizza. And remember that everything gets handled with communication. So communicate. And keep believing. I think that's about all I got. I'll let Jenn have the last words because she always does.
We just want to thank SCRC for making our dream come true and for all the love and support we have received. We truly feel like we have gained a second family and look forward to bringing our boys to visit everyone very soon. We also want to thank the people who took the time to follow our journey and we hope you gained something by our experience.
We understand first hand how emotional this road is and the last thing you ever want to feel is alone while going through it so please know you are not and although every journey doesn't turn out the same, your journey will end up the way it's meant to. You have the best doctors looking out for you and at the end of the day they want your dream to come true just as much as you do. We wish you all the best and never lose HOPE!
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