Our Blog

Navigating MidSummer Baby Fever

Published on May 31, 2019 by SCRC Contributor

It’s called a “fever” because it can come on suddenly and powerfully. Men and women both experience it, though women talk about it more openly. You don’t need a doctor to diagnose it.

You know from the swooning in your stomach, an almost visceral ache that you’ve got a bad case of baby fever. All you can think about in that moment is having a baby in your arms.

It can be painful, and though there’s no easy remedy for it, we have some tips to help you cope so you can still enjoy your summer.

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How to Find a Surrogate

Published on May 12, 2019 by SCRC Contributor

It’s estimated that more than 8 million babies have been born via IVF since 1978. Statistics for surrogacy are harder to nail down, but between 1978 and 2008, approximately 28,000 babies were born to surrogate carriers. That’s roughly 1,000 babies per year, or fewer than a hundred babies per month (though that number seems to be increasing in recent years). If it seems like surrogacy information is hard to come by, it’s probably because it’s still relatively uncommon.

Here we’ve put together a helpful guide for finding a surrogate.

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Why California is a Great Place for Surrogacy

Published on April 10, 2019 by SCRC Contributor


IVF surrogacy, also known as gestational surrogacy, is an important topic that we think deserves a lot more openness and discussion. We’ve been privileged to witness firsthand how lives can be changed and hearts can be filled by the courage of intended parents and the generosity of a gestational surrogate/gestational carrier. Through this incredible process, patients who have often suffered years of disappointment and heartbreak can finally have the change to bring home the baby they have always wanted. We’ve also been able to help members of the LGBTQ community start a family through this process. There are many reasons why you might decide that surrogacy is right for you and your family, and all of them are equally valid.

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Recap of New and Recent IVF and Fertility Trends and Advancements

Published on March 27, 2019 by SCRC Contributor


Fertility medicine is a dynamic, living field of science. While clinical studies and testing can be a slow process, research is ongoing and new developments are being announced all the time. Many of these new discoveries may seem tiny, but all of these individual contributions from researchers add up to a formidable body of knowledge which is used to develop new treatments, technologies, and approaches to infertility. Any new piece of information can be the puzzle piece which leads to an important breakthrough.

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Announcing: Free Parenthood for Gay Men Event

Published on February 7, 2019 by SCRC Contributor

Education and community outreach have always been central to our mission here at SCRC. It’s why we publish this blog, and it’s the reason we host live fertility information events all year round. We want people to know their fertility options so that they are empowered to make the right decisions for themselves, their families, and their lives.

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Doctor Spotlight on Dr. Chang

Published on January 29, 2019 by SCRC Contributor

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New IVF Technology: What Is the EmbryoScope?

Published on January 24, 2019 by SCRC Contributor
Infertility specialists and researchers are constantly looking for new ways to help patients realize their dream of a successful pregnancy. This drive for improvement has led to many new developments in the science of Assisted Reproductive Technologies and in the tools available to fertility clinics.
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An Overview of Fertility Tracking Technologies

Published on December 11, 2018 by SCRC Contributor

The rise of personal, wearable tech (and the apps which come along with them) has been stratospheric, and it’s not showing signs of stopping any time soon. While almost everyone is aware of fitness trackers, heart rate monitors, and step counters, there’s a new wave of extremely personal tech that’s getting a lot of attention right now: fertility trackers. What are they, how do they work, and what can they do for you? Are they a valuable aid for women who want to get pregnant, or just a trendy gimmick?

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5 Tips for Coping With Infertility Over the Holidays

Published on December 4, 2018 by SCRC Contributor

The stress of the holidays can get to anyone, at any time. Shopping, cooking, crowds, entertaining, travel, family dynamics, the end-of-year push at work: it all adds up. If you’re dealing with infertility, however, things can get even more complicated. Emotions are running high, and triggers are everywhere. Sometimes, everything seems to be aimed at reminding you that you’ve just spent another year struggling to get pregnant without success. Getting through the holidays with your sanity intact is possible. It just takes a little planning and a lot of self-compassion. Boundaries are especially crucial at this time of year. Here are five ways to take very good care of yourself over the holiday season.

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Fertility Options for Single Women

Published on November 2, 2018 by SCRC Contributor

Being proactive about your fertility is one of the most empowering decisions you can make as a woman. Life moves fast, and in reality, our window of peak fertility is relatively short. Sometimes we discover that we’re happiest with a completely independent lifestyle but know that having a child is what we’ve always wanted. Sometimes the perfect partner doesn’t appear “in time” and we aren’t willing to compromise on love or on our dreams of having a baby. Instead of waiting for the stars to align, many single women are forging their own paths to parenthood with the help of assisted reproduction.

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